Friday, April 11, 2014


Since Andrew has been born, John has done a great job stepping into the role of big brother. He is so good with Andrew. The transition was hard for him though. I'm sure he was jealous of the attention we were giving Andrew and sad that it's not just the three of us anymore. He is old enough to understand that Andrew is here to stay, but still young to understand and handle his emotions. For about the first three weeks, John was very emotional. I'm sure it was the combination of feeling sad, being off his routine, and missing us. He has been very proud to be a big brother though, and is constantly giving Andrew kisses.

I keep telling John it will be more fun once Andrew gets bigger. John is staying home with us on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and I think it is a little boring for him. Hopefully it will get easier once Andrew can be a little more independent. Some days it is survival mode and a lot of TV!

John and I had a special date night a few weeks ago to a mother/son dance. It was so cute. John busted out his moves on the dance floor...very cute!!! He does a pretty good sprinkler!

I can't wait to see the relationship develop between these two. I hope they will be close. Even though they are four years apart, I think they will have fun together. It will be neat to see what similarities and differences they have. I love my boys!

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