Saturday, August 7, 2010

Catching Up

I have been slacking in my blog postings. It has been two weeks since I have last posted, and two weeks since our precious little guy has slept through the night. We have some major sleep regression going on right now. He has been waking up 3,4 times a night. Not to eat, but he will not stay back asleep unless we lay with him on the couch. I know, I know, time to let him cry it out. So much harder to actually do...

So, with the lack of sleep over the past two weeks, Brad and I have been pretty tired. We went to Indiana last weekend for the Monhaut family reunion, which was a lot of fun (more on that in a bit). We came back on Monday and Brad's dad came with us because I was supposed to go into work on Tuesday and Wednesday for some meetings, so he was going to baby sit. Well, Tuesday was not a good day. Brad and I both ended up in bed all day long with the flu. It.was.horrible. I always forget how horrible it is to be sick. Thank God Don was here to watch John, and my mom ended up coming over on Wednesday to stay with him while we rested. Poor Don though, we felt so bad. John was not the "easiest" to watch during the day and he was up all night long too. THANK YOU so much Don and my mom for helping! We really appreciate it!

However, the reunion weekend was so much fun. We had a great time with Brad's parents, grandmas, and Lisa. Oh, and Kita and Allie had fun too :) Every year the Monhaut family has a golf scramble in the morning and then a picnic afterwards. John got his first spin on the golf course.

Here are some pictures from the weekend:

Grandma Kepfer made golf visors for everyone for the reunion, Here is John sporting his. :)

"Hey, let me steer!"

Here are some pictures from back home. Now that John is rolling, he is getting harder and harder to change, bathe, etc. I had to grab my camera after a bath the other day...too cute!

"I am so happy my Daddy is feeling better!"

"Hey, why am I up here?"

Okay, I should go to sleep now while the little man is sleeping. Let's pray for a better night tonight!

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