Thursday, February 4, 2010


Today marks my 35th week of pregnancy, with 35 days left to go! Exciting! I just returned from my doctor's appointment and he said he could feel the head down, so that was a relief to hear after the last appointment! I start going every week now, so it really is the home stretch. Although I'm sure these next 5 (or more) weeks will seem like forever!

I am really looking forward to our mid winter break coming up. Only one more week of school then we get a week off. There is so much I am planning on getting done in that week! They hired my long term sub this past week, so she will be shadowing my classroom after the break. Should be a smooth transition I am hoping. I also found out that my leave for work is actually 13 weeks instead of 12. I was counting our Spring Break and Good Friday as part of my 12 weeks, but I guess it is 60 working days, so I get an extra six days at home, assuming I work until my estimated last day (March 6). So lots of good news!

We had our last childbirth class last night. We have our breastfeeding class on Monday and then Brad is taking a "Dad's only" class on Thursday :)

We are going to wrap things up in the nursery this weekend and begin putting clothes away, organizing toys, etc. I LOVE the nursery. It is even so much better than I imagined. I'll post some updated pictures after this weekend.

Have a good Friday everyone!

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