Thursday, November 19, 2009

Where did November go?

This month is flying by! I can't believe it is almost Thanksgiving. Usually I feel like November goes by slow, but it seriously has felt like I blinked and all of a sudden it is the 19th!

I have been pretty busy with work lately. We have had a lot of professional development this month, I went to a math conference last weekend, and we have parent teacher conferences on Monday and Tuesday. But then, we have the rest of the week off! Yay!! I am so excited for Thanksgiving this year. We really do have a lot to be thankful for. We are going to Indiana for the weekend and Brad's mom and sister are throwing us a baby shower! Yay!! I am so excited, it will be so much fun. It seems crazy that is it already here!

We have our big follow up appointment on Wednesday, so hopefully everything will be fine and the cysts will be gone. Please say prayers for us and the baby that all will be healthy. Also, I don't think I really shared this yet, but Brad and I have officially decided we are naming our son John Bradley Monhaut. :) I love it. John was Brad's Grandpa Monhaut's name, so it is pretty meaningful to us. It's been fun to refer to him by name :)

My mom, sister, and I went to some outlet shops in Birch run last weekend, and found some pretty cute boy clothes. His closet is quickly growing...doesn't help that his mom has a slight shopping obsession...especially when it comes to clothes. Oops. At least he will look cute!

This weekend will be busy getting ready for next week. I have a long list of things to do/appointments on Saturday, and then Sunday we are heading to Allen Park for a baptism celebration. Our friends Stacey and Danny had a little boy in June, and I can not wait to finally meet him! They are getting him baptized so it will be great to see them and their family.

Well, I am off to watch the Project Runway Finale! I'll try to post on Wednesday after our appt and give an update on his cysts. Thanks for praying for us!


Carolina Girl said...

We'll be praying for little John! Love the name! And you have a good excuse to clothes shop b/c they're always outgrowing them!

Jill Gust said...

We will be praying for John, as well! Have fun with your family and friends at the shower!