Tuesday, August 25, 2009

2nd Appointment!

We just got home from our second dr appointment...all is well! Yay, I am so relieved! I think I was more nervous for this one than the last appt! I finally feel like this pregnancy is "a go" and I can relax about it a little! And, I didn't gain any weight yet, according to their scale, I was nervous about that as well! :) I feel like I've gained about 10 pounds!!!

We got to hear the heartbeat on the doppler, 170 bpm! It was a very cool sound, I wish we could have listened to it longer. I ALMOST got another ultrasound, but no such luck :) I have been having some pain on my right side which might be a cyst, but they are going to wait until my next appt to see how it feels, and if it is still there, we will do another u/s then. So, not that I want there to be anything wrong, it would just be cool to see the baby again! If it is a cyst, it really isn't a big deal, they just monitor it.

I have been feeling soooo much better this week, almost back to normal, just in time for work which is good. I can't wait to tell everyone I work with!!! Then it will FINALLY be out in the open!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

10 Week Update

So I haven't been great at updating this, but the past two weeks really have been pretty much the same. I am still feeling the same, but I am getting more used to it, so it doesn't seem as bothersome. I am excited to be at the 10 week mark though, getting very anxious for our next appointment on the 25th!

I went back to work this week, which turned out to be very productive. I am trying to be super organized to make this year run a little smoother and make the transition for my sub easier. Which, speaking of, I did tell my principal this week that I am pregnant. It wasn't too bad, he is so supportive and nice, but it is a little awkward telling a man that you don't really know that well that you are pregnant! But at least he knows now, so that is one big relief! I am very lucky to have such a supportive boss.

Other than that, let's see what's new...we are heading to the lake this weekend with my parents, Jenny, Doug, and Libby, which will be fun. I am excited to get some sun hopefully, I am so pale for the summer! Next week I am flying to Boston to see Angie, I can't wait!! Then the following week I will be back in my classroom trying to get everything set before we have to report back. So, my summer is quickly coming to an end!

Okay, I know you probably all don't really want to see my stomach, and I promise I won't do this weekly, but I figured I would take a picture of my (bloated) stomach at week 10, just to look back on. So here it is:

Speaking of bloat and pregnancy hormones, Brad and I got into a fight last night about being bloated. He was trying to tell me that "bloat" doesn't show, it's just an excuse people make when they feel fat. Hello, you are not a girl! Hehe, I don't think he expected me to react so strongly, but he wouldn't just give in! He was so insistent and kept arguing, finally I got so mad and then he got mad, and stormed out of the room! Geez! Then again, he insists "caramelized" is pronounced as "care-a-malized," so what does he know, right? :) I guess we will agree to disagree on that!

Well, that's about all I can think of. Please pray for Brad's grandpa who had a stroke last week. Also, my sister-in-law and brother-in-law are competing in the Louisville Ironman in a few weeks, GOOD LUCK!!!! It is so amazing how hard they work! They will do great, I wish we could go!

I'll post after this week, hopefully with some new pics of Libby! She is also doing great, gaining weight and getting so big already! Love her!