Andrew is doing great and life has been pretty good. He is sort of crawling. He takes a few motions forward, then faceplants and scoots. Then he gets on all fours and does it again. He is so close! He has also started pulling himself up on things, but he isn't quite sturdy enough yet to stand. He is still really happy most of the time. We went out to dinner tonight with my sister and family, something we hardly attempt anymore with the kids. I was nervous because Andrew hadn't napped well today, but both boys did great! We also went to a cider mill this morning, though it was cold and started to rain so it was a bust. But it has been fun to start to really do things as a family of four!
Last weekend we went to the Zoo Boo and then the boys stayed the night at my parents so Brad and I could meet some friends for a night out. Andrew was pretty stuffy so didn't sleep well, but it was a fun night. John is so excited for Halloween this year, and it is fun to watch him get into it all. We are going to the huckleberry railroad next weekend with some friends and then have a Halloweeb party with our Parent Group on Sunday. John will be so excited.
At 8 months, Andrew hasn't changed much in terms of eating and sleeping. Still going to bed around 7:30 and waking up between 4-6 to eat and then sleeps until 7:30 or so. On school days we wake him up at 6:30. He is still doing well at Miss Kim's house and we are so happy we made the switch!
He loves watching his big brother. John loves to climb in Andrew's crib to wake him up, and it is the cutest thing ever. Andrew gets the biggest grin on his face and John is so sweet talking to him and rubbing his back. He really is a great big brother and I am so proud of him.
John and Andrew passed around a nasty stomach bug earlier this month. Andrew ran a temp starting on a Wednesday and so Brad took the day off. By Friday, Andrew still had a low grade fever so I took the day off. Brad was going on his annual guys fishing trip, so I took John to school and Andrew and I came home and took a nap. I didn't realize I had my phone on silent and woke up to messages from John's preschool teacher saying he was throwing up and had a fever. I felt like the worst mother in the world. Luckily it hasn't even too long. But poor John was so miserable and couldn't keep anything down for about 24 hours. Luckily my mom came and spent the weekend with us to help out. I don't know what I would have done without her! Thanks mom!!!
We have another busy month coming up. I can't believe Thanksgiving and the holidays will be here before we know it! I love the fall. Working 1/2 time has been so amazing too, I know I say that every month, but I am so much happier! I love my time with the boys. I have started going to a bible study with my sister in Tuesday mornings. They have an awesome kids program, so John and Andrew and my niece Josie go too. John loves it so far. It's neat to see him interact in that way. It has also been great for me and my sister to get to spend some time together and strengthen our faith together.
Anyways, here are some pictures from the month. Hope everyone is having a good fall! Xo

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