He still likes his mat, his changing table, and his bouncer seat. He likes to sit in the bouncer in the bathroom while I take a shower. I think the combination of the seat, the lights, fan, water, and hair dryer are comforting to him. It's a win-win situation because I get my shower in too! :)
Andrew's one month appointment went pretty good. He weighed 8 lbs, 2.5 ounces (7th percentile), 21 1/2 inches long (45 percentile) and his head circumference was 37.5 cm (56 percentile). The only concerning part was when they examined him, the doctor was a bit concerned with his eyes. She said they weren't constricting much when she shined the light in his eyes. She told me not to stress, but easier said than done! However, since then we have been watching them at home and they are definately constricting in the lights. He also tracks our movement, so that makes me feel better. My gut tells me he is fine, but they will check again at his two month appointment and if it is still a concern, he will see an optometrist. So, we will pray in the meantime!
Here are some pics from his one month "photo shoot." Enjoy!
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