I'm not going to lie, the first few weeks of the newborn stage are very hard for me. I didn't have as much anxiety as I did with John, but man is it exhausting! Add in the hormones and emotional stress, and I am a mess! But once again, Brad is an amazing support and helped so much. Andrew is eating every 3 hours during the day with his last feeding around 10:30. I would wake him up at 1:30 am to nurse and then he would sleep until about 5. We finally introduced a bottle around 3 weeks, which was great to get a break for one feeding. Also, around two weeks we took Andrew back to the dr for a weight check and he was back to his birth weight so we didn't have to wake him in the night anymore. After that he went about four hours between feedings, so he would wake up around 2 to eat again.
This time is different too because we are out and about so much more. With John I never left the house, and we are out pretty much every day. John is home from preschool on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so those days can be long! John is a great helper though, and it is nice to have him home! We celebrated John's 4th birthday (crazy!!!) and he got a lot of new toys to keep him busy. John is into presents and Legos rights now! He will be excited for Andrew ro play with him one day!
He is growing so fast already though! He is so cute, and already changing so much! His little "coos" are adorable!!! He likes his mat and likes his changing table to stretch his legs and arms. We love you Andrew!!!
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