Andrew had his two month appointment yesterday and I was so relieved because his eyes were responsive so the Dr isn't concerned anymore! Hooray! He weighed 12 pounds, 3.5 ounces (41 percentile), was 23 3/4 inches long (76 percentile) and his head was 40 cm (71 percentile). He is turning into quite the chunk, just like John was at this age!
So I was very happy with his appointment. He did have three shots so he wasn't happy about that. He came home and had some Tylenol then crashed, so hopefully he feels better soon.
At two months, Andrew is a pretty good baby. He has a pretty predictable routine. He eats about every 3 hours during the day with a bottle at 10 pm. He is waking up anywhere between 2-3, although it is getting consistently closer to 3. A few times he has slept until 4, but only a couple of times. Hopefully he will do that more in the weeks to come. But, he goes right back to bed after his feeding until about 6-7. So it could be worse! I am ready for more sleep though. I get excited thinking about the day when both boys are in bed by 8:00 for the night! Maybe by next year! Lol! I also know pretty soon Andrew will have to transition to his crib, so hopefully that doesn't set us back!
Andrew loves to lay on his ocean mat and has started to bat at the toys. He can hold onto a rattle if we put it in his hands. He loves his changing mat and is usually pretty smiley in the mornings.
Andrew celebrated his first Easter this past weekend. We had a busy weekend with John's 1st soccer game, church, and then we went to my aunt Ruth's house. John was spoiled with Easter candy and Legos, so he was in heaven!
John and Brad are headed to their first Tiger's game of the season tonight and they are both so excited. John has been such a good big brother and seems to be doing better with the transition. Once Andrew becomes a little more independent, I think it will get even better.
We have quite a busy month ahead of us. We are going to spend a weekend at the lake, then Brad and I are heading to New York for a wedding. I am nervous to leave Andrew this young, but I know he will be okay. I just feel bad for my mom because she is going to be exhausted!!!
We are also holding a fundraiser for my sister in a few weeks, the same weekend as Andrew's baptism! So before we know it, May will be over and I will be back at work for the last two weeks. Then summertime!
Here are some pictures from the past few weeks! Enjoy!
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