Before I update you on our first week at daycare, check out our big boy sitting!!! He is sitting all the time now, and doing it so well! We are so proud of him :)
So we survived our first week (well, 3 days really) back at work and daycare. It is so bittersweet. I really do love teaching and it was good to be back with my friends at work and actually have conversations with adults about things other than babies, but I missed John so much! He did great though, and I couldn't be happier with how the week went. The mornings were smooth (I was actually earlier to work that I was before I had him), and he did pretty good all week. He slept and took naps, which I was the most nervous about, he ate, and played a ton. The three women than run the infant room are all great, and his primary caregiver, Miss Shelly, is awesome. I know she will take excellent care of him and love him. It is just such a hard notion that it won't be ME with him every day. I did okay the first day, I was so happy it went so well. But that night was hard. We had to let him cry it out for about 10 minutes and I was a wreck. All I kept thinking was, "he really is going to think we don't love him...we leave him at a new place all day, then we don't even come into his room when he is crying." But of course he fell asleep and when we woke him up in the morning smiled at us like usual. I am just feeling this tremendous guilt about leaving him at daycare. Everyone at my work has been great, at least they have all been through it too. I know it will get easier and I really could not be happier about the facility he is at.
He has been SO tired though. We have been waking him up at 6:15 each morning and even though he is napping there, they haven't been as long as they usually are at home. They told me he was really tired on Thursday (he had a pretty fussy morning) and when I got him home, he literally fell asleep on the changing table when I was changing his diaper. I mean, he was OUT. He has never done that before. I put him in his crib and he slept for almost 3 hours. He has been sleeping SO much better at home, thank goodness! I am so proud of him! He has been sleeping about 10 hours each night. We have to let him cry some nights, but usually only for a couple of minutes and then he is out. He has been turning and sleeping on his side and stomach, so that seems to be working. Whoo! I was so worried about going back to work and being so tired from him being up all night.
This weekend we are going to take John to his first football game. Brad's parents are coming tomorrow and we are going to the Army/EMU game. Brad is so excited to take John. He turned on the TV last night for the opening college football games, and John was GLUED to the TV. It was so funny. I don't think he blinked at all. He just sat there with his mouth hanging open, so we had to turn it off :)
Speaking of Brad, I am so proud of him. He got a new job at Booz Allan Hamilton, which we are both really excited about. He starts in a few weeks, so hopefully it is an easy transition.
Well, here are some pictures of John from yesterday glued to the TV...funny. Hope everyone has a good Labor Day!

This is his other favorite pose...he rolls and positions himself under the coffee table where he hangs like a monkey :)

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