I know I say this every month, but man, where has the time gone?! My baby is already 6 months old and it feels like it was just the beginning. The first two months seemed so hard and when I saw a 6 month old baby, that seemed SO old! Ha! So I didn't get very many good 6 month pictures because (1) John wouldn't sit still long enough for me to take one and (2) our camera is taking really blurry pictures lately. Not sure if that is because all of the movement or what. So anyways, I will try to take some more at another time, but this is what I have for now. I have a picture frame of all of these pictures and it looks so cute! The 6 month is the last picture on the top row...crazy that it has already filled up! I will have to take a picture of the picture frame...I love it!
We have John's 6 month appointment on Monday, so I will post his stats then. I am guessing he is between 18-20 pounds (hello Mr. Chunk!) and he was over 27 inches the last time we were there. I am excited to hear what the dr has to say about the next stage of introducing solids. He loves the fruits and veggies so far and it will be fun to start feeding him other things too.
School and daycare are still going good. I definitely have my good days and bad days where I feel just totally guilty. Brad was gone all this week to DC for his new job training, and John was teething (he got his top two teeth), so Tuesday he got his first "cranky" check mark at daycare. He woke up that night around midnight and was just whimpering. I went in once and then the second time he woke up I attempted to let him cry it out. I lasted 6 minutes. I have no willpower. But I knew it was because he was hurting, so I brought him in bed with me and he snuggled right in. At those moments I really don't care if it is what I am supposed to do or not, because being able to cuddle with him all night was the best thing ever. I miss him so much during the day.
We are getting his 6 month pictures taken this weekend. Brad had gotten me that package where we get his 3, 6, and 1 year pictures taken, but I decided to use the 6 month ones at 9 months instead since that will be Christmas time. That way, hopefully we can get some good ones for a cute Christmas card. So for 6 months, i am just going to take him to Target. My sister has taken Libby there and they have done a good job and it is pretty cheap. I'm sure they will be cute. I mean, come on, how can they not be. :) Can't wait to post them!
I am so glad tomorrow is Friday. I am proud of John and I that we made it through a while week of no Brad. I really don't know how single moms do it. I don't think I have had a free minute this week between playing with him, dropping him off and picking him up from daycare, feeding, getting bottles and clothes washed and ready for the next day. And repeat! I'm exhausted! This weekend I am getting a hot stone massage and pedicure on Saturday. I can't wait!
Well, I am off to bed. It is 8:45 and John is sleeping, and I am ready for tomorrow. See, I have this down now by the end of the week! Good thing Brad comes home tonight! Hope you all have a good weekend!
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