The demolition of our kitchen begins tomorrow. Our friend Corey (he finished our basement for us too) is starting the kitchen remodel tomorrow. I am SO excited, but a little stressed out too. There is never a good time for the entire kitchen to be tore apart, so I guess now is as good of a time as any. We figure it would be better to do it before John begins crawling, so we will live with the chaos for a few weeks. Our dining room is a disaster with all of our kitchen contents in there, but hey, it is temporary. Plus, we will have a beautiful new kitchen in a few weeks!
Things here are going good, just busy with being back in the full swing of work and daycare. Sorry, my blog has been lacking on updates :) John is doing great, this is such a fun stage. He is super smiley (despite his constant runny nose he has now) and seems to be doing more and more each week. He had his 6 month appointment last week and weighed in at 19 pounds, 2 ounces (75 percentile) and was 27 inches long (although I know this is wrong b/c he was 27 1/4 for the last two appointments we had when he sick. He would not lay still though to be measured, so my guess is still 27 1/2 inches).
John was sick the day after his appointment, so I stayed home with him. We stayed in our jammies all day, and just played and cuddled. He was much better by Wednesday. Other than that, not too much new. We had a good weekend here hanging out with our good friends Jami and Erik and their two kids. Tonight we went out to dinner to celebrate my brother-in-law, Doug's birthday. I used to hate Sundays, always worrying about the week ahead. Brad always called it my "Sunday Funk." It is different now though, because I have fun playing with John and hanging out. Not that I don't get stressed about work, but it just feels different now.
Anyways, speaking of Sunday nights, I need to get off the computer and finish getting bags packed for the week. Here are some recent pictures.