This past weekend Brad went to Florida for a wedding. I really wanted to go, but it was too soon to leave John back, especially with feeding him. We survived though! We spent Friday night at my parents house and then my mom babysat on Saturday night while I went to a girlfriend's bachelorette party. I am so grateful that we live close to family. We really miss Colorado but it is so nice to be 30 minutes from my parents and 3 hours to Brad's family. I can't imagine John not seeing his grandparents that often.
This past week John has transitioned to his crib! YAY! Until now he has slept in his napper on his pack-n-play or his swing. He is getting too big for them now though! I swear, this little guy grows more and more each day. He is almost as big as Libby! He is getting to be SO much fun though. Every day he has a new noise and his little grip is getting stronger and stronger. He is so smiley too, which melts my heart.
I am so excited because I talked Brad into getting his 3 month pictures taken by my sister's wedding photographer, who does amazing work, as my birthday present. She has a package for 3 months, 6 months, and 1 year photos. I knew I wanted her to do his one year pictures, but when I saw this package and was looking at her website (ejphotos.com), I couldn't help it. So June 22nd he will get his pictures taken at our house. Fun stuff!

Well, I think my little man is starting to wake up. Video monitors are the greatest! Have a good week!
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