"We made it Mommy!"

Crazy! When John was first born, everyone kept telling me, "it gets so much easier after the first two months." That seemed like SO long away! But it is true, time really does fly, and it DOES get easier! I wouldn't say we are living on easy street, but it has gotten much, much better. He is such a little boy now, he is the cutest thing ever. We took him for his two month appointment today, and he weighed 12 pounds, 4 ounces (60th percentile), 23 inches long (50th percentile), and his head circumference was 39.2 cm (25 percentile). The doctor was really happy with everything and assured us he was right on track and doing great! He showed off a little for her by lifting his head, grabbing at his blanket, and smiling too :)
At two months, John is really starting to show his little personality. He loves laying on his back, and his favorite is his Ocean mat. He has started to bat at the toys on the overhead bar. Every once in a while he grabs onto one of them and then won't let go. If we put a toy in his hand, he keeps it there. He is still really smiley, especially in the mornings. He is making more coos and "talking" more too. He eats about every 3-4 hours during the day with the last feeding between 11-midnight. Then he will (usually) sleep until around 5 am. He LOVES to eat...I think he would eat all day long if I let him.

He is getting good at keeping his head up. He still has a little bobble head going on when we hold him, but for the most part he can keep it up by himself. He doesn't really love tummy time, but he humors us and lays there without screaming.

He also loves having a bath and has started kicking his legs around in the water. My sister got us swim lessons at Goldfish, a swim school in Birmingham that he can start at four months, so that will be fun if he likes the water! We have come a long way in two months, and I'm sure four months will be here before we know it.
So those are the exciting two month facts! He got three shots today, so he is pretty sleepy right now and hopefully won't be too miserable tonight. We picked up some infant Tylenol on the way home if he needs it tonight. He should be back to his usual self by tomorrow. This week is flying by! This weekend Brad's parents and great grandma are coming to visit, so we are very excited! I hope everyone has a good week! Thanks for reading :)

What a great report on John! I'm so glad he's doing well and things are getting easier.
I just love those stickers for his monthly photos.
Isn't the smiling and cooing THE BEST???!!!
Wow, Katie! He's so cute and big. I love this post, and it is amazing how much he has grown in two months (must be due to his mom!).
Love reading and seeing pictures!
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