Christmas morning was so much fun. John was so sxcited driving home Christmas Eve and was on Santa watch! He woke up around 7:40 on Christmas morning but we made him wait until 8 before we woke up Andrew. Mean parents!
Santa was very good to John and Andrew. We had a low key day at home and made a big breakfast, and played in our Jammie's all day. It was perfect. My parents and grandma came over for dinner and then we headed to Indiana in the morning! It was a Lego and Star Wars Christmas for John. Andrew was happy with tissue paper and boxes!
We had a great time in Indiana with the Monhaut's. Both GG's were there and Brad made everyone some fancy martini's. Again, the boys were very spoiled and loved every minute of it. Unfortunately, we had to come home early because Andrew woke up with a fever late Friday night. I felt so bad for him. Too much Christmas. Then, once we got home, I got sick as well. Andrew had a fever until Tuesday and mine is still lingering. Ugh. But I guess that's what happens when you live it up for a month on minimal sleep! :)
We stayed in NYE so we didn't spread out germs, but it was perfect. I love our little family and this year Christmas was truly magical. Crazy that last year at this time we were so eager to meet Andrew and now he is almost a year old!
Here are some pictures from Christmas and our trip to Indiana:

Happy New Year everyone! Up next, countdown to Disneyworld, Andrew's 1st Birthday, and planning John's 5th birthday party!!! Where has time gone? Our family has had many ups and downs this past year, but I am hopeful 2015 brings healing for my sister, health for our entire family, and many, many more adventures! We love you all!