***Just realized I never published this from last month! Sorry Andrew! We were too busy having fun to worry about it! :)
August 18, 2014
Andrew is such a sweet baby, and I am just having the best summer with him and John. I am sad it is almost over, but thrilled to only be working half time next year. I feel so lucky. It is going to be amazing to spend more time with them. I am already getting sad thinking about John being in kindergarten and that is over a year away! So happy to have some extra time with them this year.
At six months Andrew is 18 pounds, 3 ounces and 27.5 inches long! He seems like such a chunk to me, but he is actually smaller than John was at this age which is hard to believe. He has two teeth on the bottom and his top four teeth are right there!!!!
As for sleep, we are still waiting for that glorious day when we can say he is sleeping through the night! :) Our pediatrician wants us to try putting him in his crib awake so that he learns to put himself back to sleep. Right now he has been waking up every few hours and wants us to rock him and snuggle with him. So, tonight we will try it!
Andrew loves to eat! He is really liking his fruits and veggies, and now we can start puffs and small finger foods! Exciting stuff! He still loves his jumper, his mat, and John and Allie. He loves watching both of them!
We have had a busy August. We went to the lake for the annual lake beach bash party and then Andrew had his first trip to Indiana! It was short, but it was fun to see everyone and introduce him to the Monhaut's at the family reunion. Crazy to think that next week I have to go back to work and Andrew will be starting at his new daycare!!!
He is such a sweet baby, I can't wait to watch him grow and develop his little personality!

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