I can't believe that next week is July already! Time is flying!!!! Andrew, John, and I have been having fun so far this summer and keeping very busy. The weather has been gorgeous so it definitely helps!
At four months, Andrew is starting to show his personality! He is a happy baby most of the time, but can definitely be opinionated!! He is still not sleeping consistently through the night...sigh. But it isn't horrible. He was waking up 1-2 times a night. He take his last feeding around 9:30 and is usually in bed by 10. He usually wakes up anywhere between 2-4. Sometimes he will wake up at 1 and then again at 3 or 4, but not too often. He is starting to break out of his swaddle, and twice this week we left his arms out and he rolled over on his side and slept really well. I think he is over his swaddle, so it looks like it is sleepsack time!
He takes about 2 good 1-1 1/2 hour naps a day, and some catnaps. Sometimes he will take one long nap in the afternoon, which is especially nice if I can time it where John sleeps at the same time.
At four months, Andrew weighs 16 pounds, 3 ounces (65th percentile) and is 26 1/2 inches long (91 percentile). He has rolled over a couple of times, so I think we are almost there! He is so close!!!
At four months, Andrew loves to lay on his side or back and reach for things on his mat. He has started in the jumperoo too and he seems to like it, although gets frustrated when he can't pull the side toys in his mouth! He loves chewing on anything, mostly his hands! We will start rice cereal and oatmeal in the next few weeks, so I am anxious to see how he does with that!
Next weekend we will go to the lake for the 4th of July which will be fun. Andrew and I are going to stay in the hotel so we don't wake everyone up. Our July is quickly filling up too, although all fun things! This summer is already going by so fast! I will only be working 1/2 time next year so I am so, so happy. I am so grateful my district is allowing me to job share and I will only be working on Mondays-Wednesdays-every other Friday! It will be so nice to have some time at home with the boys. It really is the best of both worlds!
On that note, here are some pictures of my two favorite little guys! I just love them so much!