Another eventful week! Last weekend my in-laws came to visit. They got in on Friday evening and John went to bed around 8 or so. We were all hanging out downstairs when our dog, Allie, came to the door to come back inside. My mother-in-law noticed her eyes were squinted, but I thought it was just her hair. So she came in and the second she did, we all got a whiff of the worst smell ever. Our dog got sprayed by a skunk. I have to say, it was the most unique, worst, powerful smell I have ever smelled. Within an instant, our entire house filled with the scent. Horrible! You can imagine the scene, all of us shouting and trying to figure out what to do. After some strategizing, stressing, and googling, Brad's parents ran to CVS to buy some products for a "Skunk Bath." They said that the minute they entered the door at CVS, the woman working there exclaimed to her boss that a skunk must have been hit outside. It was that bad that it stunk up their whole car, and saturated in their clothes. What a night. And what that shows family will do for you! :)
Brad and I ended up bathing Allie in the garage in John's baby tub and then aired out the house. Our house has stunk all week. My sister and Libby came over on Thursday to air it out and do some researched remedies to try to eliminate the smell. I have to say, today when I walked in the house was the first day it didn't hit me when I came in. Geez!!! Darn dog!
But, we did have a great weekend despite smelling like skunk. At least we got a few good laughs out of it! We went to the Cider Mill on Saturday morning and then went back to the Zoo Boo that evening for some more trick-or-treating. This past week we had John's Halloween party at his daycare, which was fun too. He is getting into Halloween now and is getting the hang of "Trick or Treat!"
Thanks Don and Nan for all of your help this past weekend! We really appreciate all of your "de-skunking" efforts!!
Here are a few pics from the past week:

The petting farm...John got really scared when this guy stuck his head out.

Yummy doughnuts!!

At the cider mill with Papa and Grandma

Zoo Boo!

Our first "family" pumpkin!

Eating cookies with his daycare buddy Matthew

Getting a cool pumpkin tatoo with Miss Cassie. He was so proud of his tatoo!

With Mommy at the party

Libs and John showing off their Halloween flashlights.
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