At 18 months, John is a little boy! He is not a baby anymore. He is talking so much. I can't even think of all the words, but he can say mama, dada, papa, libby (bibby), night night, hi, bye, all done, yeah, no, elmo, spoon, bowl, book, lawn mower, airplane, up, cheek, teeth, truck, more, out, allie, slide,ball, and more but I can't think. :) He will repeat things (in his own way) if we say them too.
He still loves his snacks and is getting better about real food. He is officially off the pacifier and is *almost* there with his bottle. He loves his "buba." The past two weeks he has been back at daycare and it is going so well so far. He is in the toddler room this year and LOVES it. They all have naps at the same time and on cots instead of cribs. I was really worried about this, but he has been a rock star and has been sleeping for about 2 hours without a problem so far. Luckily he has Miss Shelley this year again as his primary caregiver, who is amazing and we love her so much, which makes this so much easier. We are slowly but surely getting back into a routine with getting back to work. He has been waking up EARLY, which is not so fun when we are trying to get ready or on the weekends. But, hopefully he will adjust to this new time schedule soon. Knock on wood he has been healthy so far...he had a little runny nose/cough last weekend but it never escalated.
He loves any type of truck, animal, train, or vehicle. He really loves his books and computer videos. He loves watching Elmo and "The Wiggles." I know its bad when I have them stuck in my head all day at work. Speaking of work, it has been good so far. I have started my new job and am a bit overwhelmed, but am enjoying it so far. I am taking over as our math department chair this year and I didn't realize the amount of little daily tasks and phone calls that involves, but hopefully it will calm down once I am more familiar with how it all works and the school year gets underway. But I am happy so far, I think this year is going to be fun.
Well, I know there is a lot more to write about since I haven't updated in over a month, but I am so tired and can't really think about all that we have done. So I will leave with some pictures, since that is the best part anyways! Enjoy!

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