This summer has been awesome. Period. It is so much fun, and I was telling a friend tonight, that usually in summers past I have slept in, hung out in the house, worked out, watched some tv, napped, and just relaxed. This summer is so different. I certainly feel rested, but John and I are up early, and have agendas during the day. There is really no down time with this kid. And it has been so much fun. It is so fun to see him interact and take things in. He has been such a trooper with our trips this summer, and there are so many new fun things he is doing and saying. Just in the past few days he has been sitting on the floor and patting next to him to tell us to "sit." Little things like this are so much fun to watch his personality develop. John and Libby have also become quite the best of friends this summer, and it is so cute to hear him scream., "Bibby!!!"
I know these pictures might be in random order, but here is a glimpse of our summer (dating back to July---man, I am behind!). Here is a glimpse into our summer...John's 1st Tigers/White Sox game, Libby's 2nd birthday, 4th of July at Lake Diane, Brad and I competed in the Detroit Muddy Buddy (and continue to stay married :), trips to the zoo, and just hanging out! Enjoy!

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