In the morning, he was still running a temp, so we called the dr and made an appt for that afternoon. Brad ended up staying home with him and I left work after my last class to meet them at the doctor. SO glad I did...the poor kid ended up being admitted to the hospital! His pulse oxygen levels were low and he was wheezing and breathing rapidly. They decided to admit him to get some chest xrays and it turns out he had pneumonia!
It was an experience, let me tell you! We had to share a room at the hospital which was not fun. Tuesday night, John was in great spirits though. My sister and parents came up to visit and he had them all up and down the halls (he discovered the toy room). So he milked it a little :) That night though, Brad left and I stayed with him and it was a LONG night. His oxygen levels kept dropping and they ended up having to get him oxygen through his nose. They had tubes taped all over his face, and he kept waking up, pulling them off. Then alarms would go off, and repeat...Finally he settled in with me and we just slept together on the chair. He was discharged on Wednesday and has been on antibiotics and breathing treatments since. I take him back to the doctor tomorrow to check up on things, but he is acting like his old self again...what a relief! My poor little baby!!! I felt so bad for him.
He has been a little ham lately. He loves to sing and dance to music, especially the "Five Little Ducks" song. I had found a video on You Tube that is so ridiculous, and now every time he sees the laptop he starts "quacking" with his hands. Hilarious. He also learned how to point and say "NO NO NO!" Thanks Mom.:) My mom babysat the other night and he kept standing on his chair, so she would shake her finger and say "No John" and now he thinks that is so funny. He is also going through some separation anxiety which has not been fun. The past two days I have dropped him off at daycare he has just been so sad when I leave, which makes me so sad. I can't wait for spring break next week to be on vacation with him!!
Speaking of being home, the other big news this week is that I was laid off from my teaching position yesterday for next school year. The cuts the Governor is proposing will result in over 3.6 million for our district, so over 100 teachers were laid off. I am optimistic I will be called back, but it is still a waiting and guessing game to see if I do and where I will be placed. So, I keep telling myself things will work out and what is meant to be will happen. I think what scares me most is the future of public schools. Now that I am a parent, I can't even imagine what schools are going to look like in 5 years with what is happening all over right now. Well, on a happier note, I will leave you with some pictures...Have a great week!
Breathing treatments...he is not always this happy doing this!

This is for you Aunt Jenny! On Tuesday at the hospital, he kept making this funny face...not sure what this is all about!

Peek a Boo! Feeling Better!
1 comment:
Wow, Katie! That was quite a blog post. I am so glad that John is doing better after his bout with pneumonia! What a trooper (well, all of you).
Your job?!? Geesh- that is scary and crazy. I hope you feel o.k. right now and I'm glad that there's a good chance you are going to get called back. I may try to give you a call this weekend, so hopefully we'll talk again soon.
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