To see John in action, click on this link or copy and paste this URL into your browser:

At 10 months, it seems like he is all of a sudden a big boy! He is waving, giving kisses, and understanding his toys so much more. He loves to turn pages in books, loves to "dance" to any music, and is still as smiley as ever (and I was worried he would never smile :). He is sleeping like a champ, about 11 hours per night, and taking two hour long naps on average in the daytime.
Last week at the doctor, he was 21 pounds, 3 ounces and 28 1/2 inches long. I was really surprised he didn't weigh more, because I swear he seems bigger now. As for eating, he is still not really mastering the solid foods quite yet. He can chew them (did I mention he now has 10 teeth??? Two molars popped through this week!), but he doesn't swallow. They call him a little chipmunk at daycare. But he still LOVES his bottle. In the morning, he will literally take his pacifier and throw it on the ground the minute he sees his bottle.
We went back to the ENT yesterday and his tubes are doing exactly what they should be. He passed his hearing test with flying colors and charmed everyone by walking, waving, and clapping through the entire hour and a half appointment.
John also got his first haircut last week! We took him to Kid Kuts, and it was great. I thought for sure he would scream the entire time, and I packed all sorts of snacks to try to distract him, but I didn't need to do anything. They set him in this little boat, popped in a movie, and he was so happy! His hair looks so cute.
Oh, and Allie got her hair cut too! She looks SO different and I love it!

John and Brad at swimming lessons this morning.

So excited to get his hair cut!

I can't believe we are starting to plan John's birthday party already! We are having so much fun right now, and I know it is only going to get better at each stage. Life is good! Hope everyone has a good week!
HI Katie! Thanks for your comment on my blog! I love your little circle 10 month old shirt, I'm assuming you did it for every month -- I love that! I did do those cupcakes by hand... I used thick scrapbooking paper and made a "tracer" using a file folder. Cut them out one night while watching TV! Here's a link to where I found a cupcake to start with, then I sort of played around with it and made it bigger, but this gave me something to start with! GOOD LUCK! It's still my favorite thing I did for her 1st birthday! Click on or copy/paste this link, and then if you double click on the cupcake it will get pretty large and you can print it off and start to work with it. HAVE FUN!
Love the video! HE's sooo cute!
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