These pictures are getting harder and harder to take...he does not want to sit still!
Another month flown by! John turned 4 months yesterday, and my niece Libby turned 1 year old! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LIBBY! We love you!! It is crazy to think a year ago how scared we all were when Libby made her early entrance to the world.

And now here we are, a year later, Libby is as vibrant and energetic as ever, and we have a four month old, beautiful baby boy!
John went for his 4 month appointment today, and here are the stats:
Weight: 15 pounds, 11 ounces (75 percentile)
Height: 25 1/2 inches long (50-75 percentile)
Head: 42 cm (50 percentile)
He is getting some BIG thighs, let me tell you! When we put him in his bumbo chair and try to lift him out, the chair comes with him...funny! He has been so good lately, and we have been having so much fun now that we are more comfortable taking him out and about. We have been busy, and it is fun to introduce him to new people. At four months, he is sleeping anywhere from 7-9 hours at night. He usually gets up after that, eats, and then will go back to sleep for an hour or two. It is so nice. We are going to start introducing solids this week, so we shall see how that goes!
John is not rolling over yet, but he is so close! He rolls all the way on his side but can't seem to figure out that once he moves his arm, he would roll all the way. He is so alert and expressive, and constantly making noise. He loves to just scream for no reason. He isn't mad, just a happy screamer! He has started in his jumperoo a little bit, but he is still a little unsure. His favorite thing in the world right now (well, besides eating and putting everything in his mouth) is standing up.

This weekend is John's baptism, so we are looking forward to that. I hope everyone has a good week!

1 comment:
Ahh, he found his feet! :)
He's so happy Katie and just adorable. I love those big eyes of his!
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