John had a big weekend. My sister and I decided on Friday that we needed a night out without babies, so we went out to dinner and Brad stayed home with John. I left at 6:30 and I guess John screamed nonstop for Brad for about an hour and a half. Then he finally crashed and went to bed. Poor Brad...he is teething still, and he didn't get a great nap on Friday, so I think that combination did him in. But, his second bottom teeth broke through yesterday, so hopefully it feels better now.
John suddenly learned how to roll over from his back to his stomach yesterday. Now he won't stop! He is so funny, he rolls over, and starts grinning, so proud of himself. Then he realizes he is on his tummy, and starts screaming. He needs to figure out how to roll back over!
Solids are going pretty good, he started eating rice cereal last week. He is getting the hang of it, but I think he is ready to move on to something that tastes better. We are going to start oatmeal next week, and then we can move on to the veggies! Yum, yum!
We got the rest of the pictures back and they turned out so good! We are going to the Monhaut family reunion next weekend, so I hope to have some by then to give everyone. I am also trying to update my blog layout to include some. We'll see how that goes :)