Today is Brad's mom's birthday...Happy Birthday! We had so much fun celebrating with you last weekend!
John is 6 weeks old today! Crazy! I had to go to work today to sign John up for daycare...so sad. I don't even want to think about it yet. He had his first little cold yesterday. It was so pathetic. His little eyes were watery and his nose was all stuffed up. Luckily he still slept, and today he seems a lot more like his spunky self. His nose is still stuffy, but not nearly as bad. I was so sad for him yesterday.
He is getting so big! I swear, every day he seems bigger and bigger to me. His 0-3 month clothes fit him great, I think he will be moving along to 3-6 month clothes before 3 months! Here is another picture of him from today, he was so sleepy and would not wake up! He is so cute!

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