Allie is thinking, "When are you going to stop taking these pictures of yourself??" SOON, hopefully!
Well, I just got back from the doctor's office and there has been some progress from last week! I am now 3 cm dilated, 80% effaced. He is still pretty high, at a -3 station. The doctor stripped my membranes (ouch) so maybe that will help get things rolling too. I am not going to count on it, but it is at least exciting! I go back on Monday and they are going to do a non stress test (ultrasound and exam). They will also schedule my induction date and will not let me go past 41 weeks. So, next Thursday at the latest!
Tomorrow is my official due date, so we'll see what happens. I am just so excited to know that there IS an end in sight and will get to meet our baby soon! Don't get me wrong, I have enjoyed my pregnancy, but I have never been so anxious in my life! I am trying to enjoy this last week of being able to relax. I was feeling guilty for leaving work, but it has been so nice to be able to just relax and get some rest!
Thanks for all of the prayers and let's hope he decides to come on his own before next week!
1 comment:
This is soo exciting!!!
You look amazing by the way!!
Can't wait to hear your story.
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