You can come out any time now!
No signs of his arrival yet. My doctor only gave me a "gentle" exam on Wednesday, and I was 1 cm dilated and he was still pretty high. This week they said they will be much more aggressive, whatever that means. So we'll see. I am pretty much resigned to the fact that he will be late, which is fine. However, the idea of being two weeks late is stressful. I hope he is at least here by St. Patrick's Day!
My last day of work was yesterday. It feels so weird to think that I won't be at work until June! I have a long list of things I want to get done this week that I didn't get to do over winter break with my back hurting so bad. I want to try to cook and freeze a bunch of meals. Keep the house clean, read, walk, hang out with my sister and Libby, babysit Libby with my mom. Should keep me busy for a little while and my mind off things.
I really don't mean to complain, I have had a very easy and boring pregnancy. But I am starting to get uncomfortable. Mainly at night and am not sleeping well. I know this will only get worse when the baby does come, but at least I will hopefully get an hour or two of GOOD sleep at times. This tossing and turning all night just isn't fun. Not to mention that my dog has decided her new favorite place to sleep in right next to, practically on my stomach. I have a pillow next to me to sort of "prop" up my stomach and she thinks it is for her. Oh, Allie, how your life is going to change!
So nothing too exciting, we are just waiting as patiently as we can. We are so excited though!!!! Hopefully we will have news to share soon!