Well, tomorrow I will be 37 weeks, FULL TERM! Crazy! I had my 37 week appointment today and the doctor told me the baby has dropped and is really far down! That was exciting to hear! Last week he told me he was still pretty high, so at least something is happening. My doctor's office doesn't do exams until 39 weeks, so I have no clue if I am dilated, progressing, etc. So I will have to wait 2 more weeks to see that.
Other than that, pretty standard appointment. I have been happy with my weight gain, I have gained 25 pounds total so far. I think my gym days are officially on hold for a little while though. My back is still killing me, so I made an appointment today with a chiropractor tomorrow. A friend from work who is also pregnant goes there, so I feel like it is someone who I have a recommendation for and who deals with pregnant patients. Otherwise chiropractors make me nervous. But hopefully it helps. My back will be fine when I am laying down or just sitting around, but the minute I start walking, it hurts so bad. Monday Brad and I went into my work for a few hours, then to Meijer's and Sam's Club, and I was in tears by the time we got home. Normally I am not that big of a wimp, but it hurts! It makes me nervous to go back to work next week if it doesn't get better. I laid around all day yesterday and it was feeling good. Then today I went to my appt and then back into work to get some stuff done. I was sitting at my desk most of the time, but made two trips down to the office, and I was hobbling all the way back. Sooo, hopefully the chiropractor can do some magic and make me feel a little better. I don't mean to complain, I have been very fortunate in this entire pregnancy, but man, does it hurt!
My sister and Libby came over to spend some time with me yesterday, which was fun. She is getting so big though, and so darn cute! Her little expressions and all of her "talking" are great.
Well, I think that's about it. Hard to believe that I only have 2 weeks left of work once we get back!! Have a good week!
Oh Katie, I hope the chiropractor was able to help!!
And look at that belly!! It must feel huge to you, but it looks so cute and tiny to me!!!
Hang in there mama!!! Won't be long now...
Oh my gosh! Your counter says 16 days to go! The home stretch! I always thought the last few weeks were so hard because (a) you're uncomfortable (b) the baby could really come ANY time ... early OR late. It's such a waiting game and I'm sure you and Brad are getting very excited! We are on pins and needles here waiting to hear the good news!
I hope your back starts to feel better ... all that pain will be so worth it once you are holding that new baby in your arms ... you will forget all about it!
Thinking about you all the time!
Hugs ...
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