Last night I (we) experienced our first time of being paranoid first time parents. We had our standard 38 week appointment last Wednesday, no big news. Since Wednesday, I have not been feeling the baby move hardly at all. Usually this guy is SUPER active and keeps me awake, jabs me, legs and feet constantly jabbing me, etc. I know the later things go, the less room he has and the less movement he will make, but it was one of those things that I started to get really worried about. I laid awake Thursday night in bed all night, just waiting. I drank a coke and had some crackers (okay, some girl scout cookies, same thing :), and nothing, nada. And of course everything always seems 1000 times worse at 3 AM. Friday morning Brad tried to talk me into going to the doctor but I told him I would wait and see how things were once I got up and moving around. I was so tired on Friday, which also makes me more emotional and worried. After not feeling much movement on Friday we decided to call the doctor. They were already closed, but told us we could always go to the hospital to get my fluid levels checked to make sure. So we did. And everything is fine. And I'm sure this won't be the last time we are paranoid about something!
We did get to have an ultrasound at the hospital and see our little guy! We got to see his cute little face. He was sleeping, but we could see his lips moving. I think he looks just like Brad. :) The midwife at the hospital said the ultrasound was showing him to be 7 pounds, 9 ounces!!! That is a lot bigger than I was expecting! They did say those are usually within a pound, either way. At my last appointment my doctor predicted him to be in the low 7's when he is born. So those seem about right. Either way, as long as he is healthy, it doesn't matter. Although the thought of pushing out a big baby scares me!
They hooked me up to the monitors for a while and it was fun to just watch his heartbeat on the screen. I was having some small contractions, but I couldn't feel them. I go back to the doctor on Wednesday, and I will get my first exam to see my progress. I still think it is going to be a while. I only have one more week at work though! I hope he isn't two weeks late and I am just sitting around at home, but either way, he will be here very soon! I can't wait!!! Oh, and my back is feeling SO much better! I have been going to the chiropractor, which seems to be helping, so no more limping! I might even attempt to walk on the treadmill this weekend! Yay!
So I am very relieved we went. Even if it was silly, it was worth the peace of mind. He still isn't moving much, so I know I would have been paranoid all weekend. Although I have to tell you how cute Brad was once we decided we would go to the hospital. He packed up our car with all of our hospital bags, the video camera, you name it. I was standing in the hallway saying, "We don't need that, I really don't think we will be staying." About 5 minutes later, I walk back into the kitchen to see what he is doing, and he was packing his "snack bag." At his Dad's only class, they told him to bring some goodies. Well, that same week he went to Meijer and you should see all the food he bought. It is SO funny. He has it all organized in the bottom of the pantry (which makes me laugh every time I open it) and I have been given specific instructions not to eat any of it. So anyways, there he was, packing up all of his food to take. It was hilarious. He seriously has enough "snacks" to last him two weeks in the hospital. The funny thing is that he ate 2 packages of cookies in the car on the way there! I think he was so excited to get to finally eat it! It is so cute, but every time I think about it, it makes me laugh so hard!!!
Tomorrow is our 7th anniversary! 7 years ago we went to the courthouse in Colorado Springs and got married on Brad's lunch break! He was getting ready to deploy to Iraq. I had to take him back to work afterwards! Ha! We went out to dinner that night with our friends Jon and Rachel to celebrate at our favorite Chop House in Colorado Springs. It is crazy how much has happened in 7 years! Brad has been to Iraq twice, we have bought three different homes, we got Allie, moved back to Michigan, and are going to have a baby! We are going to go out tonight to celebrate, our last anniversary with just us. I am really looking forward to it. I love you honey (even if you don't let me eat your hospital snacks)!!!
Have a great weekend!
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
37 Weeks!

Well, tomorrow I will be 37 weeks, FULL TERM! Crazy! I had my 37 week appointment today and the doctor told me the baby has dropped and is really far down! That was exciting to hear! Last week he told me he was still pretty high, so at least something is happening. My doctor's office doesn't do exams until 39 weeks, so I have no clue if I am dilated, progressing, etc. So I will have to wait 2 more weeks to see that.
Other than that, pretty standard appointment. I have been happy with my weight gain, I have gained 25 pounds total so far. I think my gym days are officially on hold for a little while though. My back is still killing me, so I made an appointment today with a chiropractor tomorrow. A friend from work who is also pregnant goes there, so I feel like it is someone who I have a recommendation for and who deals with pregnant patients. Otherwise chiropractors make me nervous. But hopefully it helps. My back will be fine when I am laying down or just sitting around, but the minute I start walking, it hurts so bad. Monday Brad and I went into my work for a few hours, then to Meijer's and Sam's Club, and I was in tears by the time we got home. Normally I am not that big of a wimp, but it hurts! It makes me nervous to go back to work next week if it doesn't get better. I laid around all day yesterday and it was feeling good. Then today I went to my appt and then back into work to get some stuff done. I was sitting at my desk most of the time, but made two trips down to the office, and I was hobbling all the way back. Sooo, hopefully the chiropractor can do some magic and make me feel a little better. I don't mean to complain, I have been very fortunate in this entire pregnancy, but man, does it hurt!
My sister and Libby came over to spend some time with me yesterday, which was fun. She is getting so big though, and so darn cute! Her little expressions and all of her "talking" are great.
Well, I think that's about it. Hard to believe that I only have 2 weeks left of work once we get back!! Have a good week!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Valentine's Day and a week off!
Happy Valentine's Day! Brad and I celebrated last night by going out to dinner and then I made him watch The Time Traveler's Wife with me. It was a great night! We went out to dinner with our friends Jamie and Adam on Friday night, which was fun too. We went to a Japanese steakhouse where they cook the food at your table. It was good, I am so full though from my last two nights out! Brad spoiled me this weekend. He got me a dozen roses, chocolates, and 3 cards (one from him, one from the dog, and one from the baby :) Hehe.
I am officially on mid winter break and have the entire week off! I love the feeling of Sundays when you know you don't have to go to work the next day. I would so much rather have a Monday off than a Friday.
I have been missing the Internet this past week because we got a virus on our computer last week, apparently from Facebook. Now, I like Facebook, but I would consider myself a pretty conservative user. I only check status updates, friends pics, etc. I never instant message, Farmville, or anything like that. But I guess it is going around, so beware of a "security message" that pops up on your screen. That's what happened to us and then the computer went blank. We just got it back on Friday, luckily all of our stuff was able to be recovered.
I have lots to do this week. Brad has tomorrow off, so he and I are going to go work ion my classroom for a little while. I have some stuff I just need to get organized before my sub comes, papers to sort, boxes to move, etc. So I am enlisting his help and then we are going to make a big Sam's Club run to stock up on freezer essentials, cleaning supplies, diapers. My mom came over yesterday and washed down the walls in our bedroom (thanks Mom!) for me. What a difference. So hopefully today we can get the pack-n-play and swing set up.
I just can't believe that I will be 37 weeks this week. I am so, so excited. I can see why people are just so ready by the end though. My back has been killing me this week, I don't know if I pulled something, or it is my sciatic nerve. Hopefully this week I can rest it and it will feel better. I'm sure it doesn't help I am on my feet all day at work. By the end of the day I feel like I can barely walk, I am limping so bad. But, I have been very lucky in this entire pregnancy, so if this is the worst, than it really isn't bad at all!
Well, I hope everyone has a good Valentine's Day!
I am officially on mid winter break and have the entire week off! I love the feeling of Sundays when you know you don't have to go to work the next day. I would so much rather have a Monday off than a Friday.
I have been missing the Internet this past week because we got a virus on our computer last week, apparently from Facebook. Now, I like Facebook, but I would consider myself a pretty conservative user. I only check status updates, friends pics, etc. I never instant message, Farmville, or anything like that. But I guess it is going around, so beware of a "security message" that pops up on your screen. That's what happened to us and then the computer went blank. We just got it back on Friday, luckily all of our stuff was able to be recovered.
I have lots to do this week. Brad has tomorrow off, so he and I are going to go work ion my classroom for a little while. I have some stuff I just need to get organized before my sub comes, papers to sort, boxes to move, etc. So I am enlisting his help and then we are going to make a big Sam's Club run to stock up on freezer essentials, cleaning supplies, diapers. My mom came over yesterday and washed down the walls in our bedroom (thanks Mom!) for me. What a difference. So hopefully today we can get the pack-n-play and swing set up.
I just can't believe that I will be 37 weeks this week. I am so, so excited. I can see why people are just so ready by the end though. My back has been killing me this week, I don't know if I pulled something, or it is my sciatic nerve. Hopefully this week I can rest it and it will feel better. I'm sure it doesn't help I am on my feet all day at work. By the end of the day I feel like I can barely walk, I am limping so bad. But, I have been very lucky in this entire pregnancy, so if this is the worst, than it really isn't bad at all!
Well, I hope everyone has a good Valentine's Day!
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Nursery Pictures!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Today marks my 35th week of pregnancy, with 35 days left to go! Exciting! I just returned from my doctor's appointment and he said he could feel the head down, so that was a relief to hear after the last appointment! I start going every week now, so it really is the home stretch. Although I'm sure these next 5 (or more) weeks will seem like forever!
I am really looking forward to our mid winter break coming up. Only one more week of school then we get a week off. There is so much I am planning on getting done in that week! They hired my long term sub this past week, so she will be shadowing my classroom after the break. Should be a smooth transition I am hoping. I also found out that my leave for work is actually 13 weeks instead of 12. I was counting our Spring Break and Good Friday as part of my 12 weeks, but I guess it is 60 working days, so I get an extra six days at home, assuming I work until my estimated last day (March 6). So lots of good news!
We had our last childbirth class last night. We have our breastfeeding class on Monday and then Brad is taking a "Dad's only" class on Thursday :)
We are going to wrap things up in the nursery this weekend and begin putting clothes away, organizing toys, etc. I LOVE the nursery. It is even so much better than I imagined. I'll post some updated pictures after this weekend.
Have a good Friday everyone!
I am really looking forward to our mid winter break coming up. Only one more week of school then we get a week off. There is so much I am planning on getting done in that week! They hired my long term sub this past week, so she will be shadowing my classroom after the break. Should be a smooth transition I am hoping. I also found out that my leave for work is actually 13 weeks instead of 12. I was counting our Spring Break and Good Friday as part of my 12 weeks, but I guess it is 60 working days, so I get an extra six days at home, assuming I work until my estimated last day (March 6). So lots of good news!
We had our last childbirth class last night. We have our breastfeeding class on Monday and then Brad is taking a "Dad's only" class on Thursday :)
We are going to wrap things up in the nursery this weekend and begin putting clothes away, organizing toys, etc. I LOVE the nursery. It is even so much better than I imagined. I'll post some updated pictures after this weekend.
Have a good Friday everyone!
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