Actually, I made good progress last night. I opened my big closet and just started making Goodwill bags. I have already done this, but you know how you find yourself saying, "Oh, I forgot I had that!" or "That's cute, I will DEFINITELY wear that!" or "Oh, I loved these pants...I'll fit back into them again!" Again, wishful thinking. Well, last night I meant business and I made some serious progress. I am so proud. I felt so good that I even went to my other closet, but the minute I opened that I got overwhelmed and decided to wait. So I went to Kohls instead....ha, don't worry, I just bought one shirt for me! :)
So anyways, my mom is going to come over today and help me clean our main floor. I want to move furniture, sweep and mop all the floors, and at least feel like that is somewhat ready for next weekend. The upstairs will have to wait until my break in a few weeks. Brad will clean out his "office" aka the baby's room now that he is finished with school and we can really start some progress there! And that is what I can't wait for!
So, sorry for my rambling, just so much to do. Instead of sitting on the computer, I guess I better get going. Here is a 26 week picture since I didn't post one last week. My last week in the 2nd trimester! Yay! It seems like a far time away still to think 14 weeks, but 3 months is really not that far away! Anyways, more ramblings to come (and hopefully with more progress), so stay tuned!
Okay, a few things ...
1)Congrats to Brad on finishing his MBA!!! I'm sure you're BOTH pretty excited about that! Jon still has FIVE quarters to go ... ugh!
2) When you are putting all those clothes in goodwill bags, just think how excited someone is going to be who gets all that cute stuff! (Plus it creates so much more room for future purchases!)
3) You look fantastic! Your baby belly is so cute!
Miss you guys ...
Congrats to Brad on finishing his MBA! Woohoo!
It's nice that he won't have to worry about school when the baby arrives.
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