I found out I have an anterior placenta, which is why I haven't really been able to feel movement yet. So, another few weeks and I should be able to feel him kicking away! I can't wait for that, everyone says what an incredible feeling that is!
Our u/s tech put the machine on 3D/4D, so we really got to see him moving around. It was way cooler in person, but here are some more shots from the appointment:
This first one is of his knees and his legs crossed at his ankles...I love this one!

Some 3D images...It is crazy you can actually see his face!

This is one of my favorites with his little hand up by his eye...so cute!

We actually have to go back for another ultrasound on Nov 25th. The ultrasound showed two choroid plexus cysts on his brain. Our doctor told us that while this is not necessarily super common, it isn't really uncommon either. They usually go away by the 24th week and as long as there are no other indicators (which there weren't), there is really no need to worry. Well, of course I am worried, but I actually know of a few people personally who have had this same experience and all had healthy babies, so I think that helps me not freak out quite so much. We are just saying a lot of prayers that he is okay and we will follow up next month.
Brad and I went to Babies R Us to register this week and it was so much fun! When we went on Wednesday, we decided we would each buy an outfit, and he seriously had the hardest time narrowing it down...I think he had five in his hand at one time. It was so cute! He is so excited, it is really fun to watch.
My latest obsession is still bedding. I found a NEW set from GAP that I love, but it is pricey. I was so excited to get a 20% off coupon yesterday for online merchandise, but of course found out it doesn't apply to baby bedding...of course. But, I am still determined to find a way. In the meantime, I can dream about it. Here are a few pieces...

I know it sounds so cliche, but we already love our little boy so much! Brad and I both agreed that we all of a sudden feel so much more of a responsibility to our little guy, and so much more connected now that we know we have a BOY and got to actually see him moving around. Please pray for him that his cysts go away. Thanks to everyone for all of the support and well wishes. I will keep you posted... :)
1 comment:
Katie!! Isn't it so fun!! I remember thinking during our u/s...why can't I feel all of that moving around he's doing. It'll be awesome when you do feel him squirming around.
prayers that everything will be resolved on your next u/s.
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