Tuesday, October 27, 2009

On Cloud Nine

This past week has been so much fun after finding out we are going to have a baby BOY!! The ultrasound was really such an emotional and awesome experience. It was so amazing to see our little guy moving around. Our ultrasound technician did all of her measurements first, and Brad and I were trying to tell what was what on the screen. Finally, she was able to zoom in and thankfully our baby was not shy! She pointed to "it" on the screen, and I think we were both in disbelief what it really was. When she said, "looks like a boy," that's when it finally hit us. My mom was able to come too, so she came in the room after we found out and we were able to tell her the big news. She was super excited too :)

I found out I have an anterior placenta, which is why I haven't really been able to feel movement yet. So, another few weeks and I should be able to feel him kicking away! I can't wait for that, everyone says what an incredible feeling that is!

Our u/s tech put the machine on 3D/4D, so we really got to see him moving around. It was way cooler in person, but here are some more shots from the appointment:

This first one is of his knees and his legs crossed at his ankles...I love this one!

Some 3D images...It is crazy you can actually see his face!

This is one of my favorites with his little hand up by his eye...so cute!

We actually have to go back for another ultrasound on Nov 25th. The ultrasound showed two choroid plexus cysts on his brain. Our doctor told us that while this is not necessarily super common, it isn't really uncommon either. They usually go away by the 24th week and as long as there are no other indicators (which there weren't), there is really no need to worry. Well, of course I am worried, but I actually know of a few people personally who have had this same experience and all had healthy babies, so I think that helps me not freak out quite so much. We are just saying a lot of prayers that he is okay and we will follow up next month.

Brad and I went to Babies R Us to register this week and it was so much fun! When we went on Wednesday, we decided we would each buy an outfit, and he seriously had the hardest time narrowing it down...I think he had five in his hand at one time. It was so cute! He is so excited, it is really fun to watch.

My latest obsession is still bedding. I found a NEW set from GAP that I love, but it is pricey. I was so excited to get a 20% off coupon yesterday for online merchandise, but of course found out it doesn't apply to baby bedding...of course. But, I am still determined to find a way. In the meantime, I can dream about it. Here are a few pieces...

I know it sounds so cliche, but we already love our little boy so much! Brad and I both agreed that we all of a sudden feel so much more of a responsibility to our little guy, and so much more connected now that we know we have a BOY and got to actually see him moving around. Please pray for him that his cysts go away. Thanks to everyone for all of the support and well wishes. I will keep you posted... :)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

It's a....


I will write more details later, but we are SO excited and SO happy! We just went out to dinner to celebrate and are heading to Babies 'R' Us...Brad and I are each going to pick out an outfit :) He is sooooo excited, it is awesome!

Thanks for all the well wishes everyone!

Saturday, October 17, 2009


My 19 Week Belly Shots

I can't wait until Wednesday!!! We have our big ultrasound scheduled and the anticipation is killing me! It's not just that that is causing me anticipation. It seems like lately, I a constantly find myself up at 3 in the morning thinking. Will it be a boy or a girl? What will the ultrasound pictures look like? What will it be like to REALLY be pregnant? Am I eating too much? Am I not eating enough (HA! Right!)? What will the hospital be like? What should we register for? What is it going to be like with a child in our house? How will the mornings be when I go back to work? Where will we take the baby for day care? What will it feel like to be a parent? How will it be to be working full time with a baby? Who is my substitute going to be? And the list goes on and on.

Brad is getting a little anxious too. He will ask me at the most random times things like, "What happens if you go into labor and I don't get there in time?" "How often does the baby eat? Why so often?" "What is the difference between a pack-n-play and a bassinet?" It's cute :)

So, we are anxiously counting down until Wednesday. I am just as excited to actually see the baby as I am to find out what the gender is. It will all seem so real. Although my expanding stomach over the past few weeks also reassures me its real. I am now wearing maternity pants, I love those things. They are so comfy!

Brad and I are going to a wedding next weekend, so I will get some more "real" pictures of us. I can't believe it's almost November! I went with my sister and Libby last weekend to get her 3 month pictures taken. Here's one I snuck on my phone. The actual ones are so much cuter! She is getting so big, smiles, all the fun stuff! Here are some recent cute ones too...

Well, I will keep you posted on our big ultrasound. We are praying for a healthy and cooperative baby! :)

Monday, October 12, 2009

Only Brad...

So this was our conversation last night while somehow talking about a picture of a really skinny guy:

Me: "I think you look good with some meat on your bones, I don't find real skinny guys attractive."

Brad: "Well, I don't like skinny girls either, obviously."

And he was serious. Oh, Brad, do not say that to your pregnant wife! And of course the "obviously" part was the clencher! HA! Lucky for him I was not very hormonal last night. He knew right away after he said it how it came out. :)

However, he does have a track record with this. Last year my mom, sister, and I went to the Mall of America. While we were shopping, he called and said, "Hey! Where are you guys, Lane Bryant?"

He was so proud of himself for knowing a women's clothing store. Oh, still so much to teach that boy!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Random Thoughts

I. am. stuffed. Brad and I just went out to dinner and I feel so full, but it was soooo good, worth every bite! We went to Cold Stone too, we haven't had that in forever. Yummy!

So I have decided I am not very good at coming up with new, interesting blog topics. My friends with blogs always have such cute entries with catchy titles, and I am sitting here trying to think what I want to update, and it is really a lot of nothing! All I can really seem to think about is the baby, what type of stroller/travel system to get, and our big ultrasound appointment coming up! So sorry for all of the pregnancy talk, but it is really what is on my mind lately!

Let's see though, what else is new, non baby related? I went with my sister last weekend to our friend Lisa's bachelorette party at a casino downtown, which was fun. Her wedding is in two weeks, so I am looking forward to an evening of getting dressed up, going out with Brad,and perhaps some dancing. I am getting a hair cut tomorrow, and I really want to be daring and do something new and fun, but I always end up with my same old look. So, we'll see how I feel tomorrow :)

Brad and I are going to Babies R Us tomorrow to start picking things out, which is fun. This will be his 3rd time there now, so he is improving. The first time I made him go with me, I don't think he talked for the rest of the day. He kept saying, "We need ALL that?" and then he spend the rest of the day looking at our bank account :)

Hopefully I will get to spend some time with Libby this weekend too. I saw her for a little bit this past week, she is getting bigger and bigger. Her smiles are more and more frequent, which are the cutest thing ever.

Well, that about sums up my non exciting post! I think I will let my stomach settle for a little bit now, maybe catch up on some Project Runway! Good night!