I went back to work this week, which turned out to be very productive. I am trying to be super organized to make this year run a little smoother and make the transition for my sub easier. Which, speaking of, I did tell my principal this week that I am pregnant. It wasn't too bad, he is so supportive and nice, but it is a little awkward telling a man that you don't really know that well that you are pregnant! But at least he knows now, so that is one big relief! I am very lucky to have such a supportive boss.
Other than that, let's see what's new...we are heading to the lake this weekend with my parents, Jenny, Doug, and Libby, which will be fun. I am excited to get some sun hopefully, I am so pale for the summer! Next week I am flying to Boston to see Angie, I can't wait!! Then the following week I will be back in my classroom trying to get everything set before we have to report back. So, my summer is quickly coming to an end!
Okay, I know you probably all don't really want to see my stomach, and I promise I won't do this weekly, but I figured I would take a picture of my (bloated) stomach at week 10, just to look back on. So here it is:

Speaking of bloat and pregnancy hormones, Brad and I got into a fight last night about being bloated. He was trying to tell me that "bloat" doesn't show, it's just an excuse people make when they feel fat. Hello, you are not a girl! Hehe, I don't think he expected me to react so strongly, but he wouldn't just give in! He was so insistent and kept arguing, finally I got so mad and then he got mad, and stormed out of the room! Geez! Then again, he insists "caramelized" is pronounced as "care-a-malized," so what does he know, right? :) I guess we will agree to disagree on that!
Well, that's about all I can think of. Please pray for Brad's grandpa who had a stroke last week. Also, my sister-in-law and brother-in-law are competing in the Louisville Ironman in a few weeks, GOOD LUCK!!!! It is so amazing how hard they work! They will do great, I wish we could go!
I'll post after this week, hopefully with some new pics of Libby! She is also doing great, gaining weight and getting so big already! Love her!
I love it all, Katie. I want to see belly shots as often as possible. Glad to hear that you don't feel too horrible, but no fun nonetheless. I'm sure it was hard telling your principal too... I always crack up at one of my good WI friends who was embarrassed to tell her dad for kind of the same reasons:)
I love the updates! Have fun in Boston. We miss you, as always.
Ok, your stomach does NOT look bloated at all! It's really flat- you look great!
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