Brad and I had our first doctor appointment on Thursday, July 23rd. There is a baby in there! We had an ultrasound and got to see the heartbeat, which was 137 bpm. We got to hear the heartbeat too, which was cool! I was a little off on my due date, I am due on March 11th. Maybe it will be a St. Patrick's Day baby!
We really liked the doctor we saw, which was very reassuring. I had considered switching doctors at the last minute because the current one only delivers out of Royal Oak Beaumont, and we live about a mile away from Troy Beaumont. But, I am very happy with our decision to stay where we were at. We had a great experience at the office, and everyone was very nice and genuinly excited for us.
My next appointment is August 25th, and then I will almost be finished with my first trimester. I am anxious, because I want it to be out in the open! A lot of people already know, but I am still not ready to let the whole world know. I am so nervous it will be posted on Facebook or something...but hopefully we can keep it for a little while longer...Brad is the one I'm worried about! He informed me yesterday he sent out a mass e-mail to all of his friends...I made him send a disclaimer to not post anything on FB. It's cute though, he is so excited.
Here is a pic of our ultrasound...not like you can really see much, but it's still fun!

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