Okay, okay, okay, I do realize it is July and I am just now writing Andrew's one year post! What can I say, life is crazy and good and busy! This has been on my plate for a while to write so I can get his book printed. I have posted on Facebook and Instagram, and this will most likely be my last blog post!
One year old!!!!
Andrew had his first birthday in the most magical place on earth...Disney World! We celebrated all month long though and had a small party with Brad's parents and sister a few weeks before and then with my family at Disney. Before I get into that, some one year pieces of info...
At 12 months, Andrew was about 21 pounds and smaller than I thought he would be! He was still nursing (we stopped around 14 months) and still NOT sleeping through the night. Sigh. This turn around at about the same time I stopped nursing though and I am so happy to report that at 17 months he is (finally) a good sleeper. Alleluia!
At one year, Andrew was walking well and hitting his head on everything possible. He needs a helmet! He is our little daredevil and had no fear. But he is a sweetie, so happy and smiley and such a little ham! He cracks us up! His little personality is such a stinker and goofball all of the time. He is going to be our little comedian.
He absolutely loved his cupcake (no surprise there because he loves to eat) and had a great time smashing into it! At one year, Andrew wasn't really saying a whole lot other than "dada" and "mama." He has this noise he makes when he wants something but we think he is trying to say "please." Or at least we will pretend that. :)
Disney was beyond amazing. So magical everytime. John was such a great age for it and had the best vacation ever. Andrew got sick on his birthday and was exhausted but he was a trooper. Overall he did great.
I will try to end with some pictures of the month. Andrew, we love you so much little buddy! It has been such a great first year, although you definitely were not an "easy" baby! Ha! But I can't imagine it any other way! You definitely complete our family and are going to give your big brother a run for his money! We love you AJ!

In the ER after a fall in the doorway.

First haircut

Bring on the cupcake!

Sharing wih Aunt Lisa

Swimming with Daddy
And now for our Disney pics...