5 months have come and gone! Crazy how fast July has gone by! We had a great month. Super busy, but lots of fun! Andrew's little personality is really starting to emerge, and I feel like he has changed so much just in the past few weeks.
We started the month by celebrating at the lake for our annual 4th of July celebration. We had lots of fun as usual, and Andrew did pretty good. He and I actually spent two nights in a hotel because his sleep wasn't so great. And good thing, because he was up about every hour! But, for good reason! He got his two bottom teeth that weekend! Looks like he is following John's teething schedule! Other than that, he enjoyed being outside and being with everyone. John did great also, and played LOTS of baseball! Surprise, surprise!
We also celebrated Josie's 2nd birthday and Libby's 5th birthday. John went to Indiana for 5 days (!) with grandma and grandpa. He has so much fun, and was very spoiled! They went swimming, to the fair, and his favorite, to a South Bend SilverHawk's game. Brad's cousin works there and even got him on the field and to meet some players. He got to be in a dance contest and he won! And he even beat a 10 year old, which he was so happy about. :)
We missed John but it was nice to get some rest and have some alone time with Andrew. Brad and I even got a date night in, which is always a bonus!
Last weekend we went camping with our parent group for our 3rd annual trip. Andrew and I just went for the day on Friday, then drove back and he stayed Saturday night with my mom and I headed back up. We had a great time and luckily had great weather. John loved it and was so exhausted when we got home! He has had a busy month!
At 5 months, Andrew has been so active! He loves his jumperoo and play mat, and is rolling over like crazy. If we set him down, he will be across the room in literally in a minute. Guess it is time to start baby proofing a little more! He is still nursing about every 3-4 hours and still does not love the bottle. He will tolerate it for a few ounces, but that's all. He has started to eat rice cereal which he likes. He tries peas for the first time the other day but wasn't a huge fan, so we will keep trying. He does love to nurse though, and that seems to be his comfort. Initially I thought I would wean him around 6 months but it looks like we will stick with it! I am good with that though, he is healthy and happy that way, so we will follow his lead!
And now for the sleep update...he is still not sleeping through the. Ought consistently, but he has gotten MUCH better now that he can roll and sleep on his tummy. When he was teething, he was up pretty much every hour. Since then, he has gotten better about sleeping longer. Every now and then we have nights where he will keep waking up for his pacifier or comfort, but we have been trying to make him fuss it out a little more which seems to have helped. He has been sleeping through the night more often, and usually goes to bed around 9:30 and will sleep until around 5 or 6, eat, then go back to bed until 8 or 9. The only unpredictable part is if/how many times he will wake up in between. :). He usually takes a mid morning 30-45 minute catnap, then a 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon. He will sometimes take another catnap in the evening, with his last feeding around 9. I feel much more rested which helps so much too. I'm sure once I go back to work and we get on an earlier routine, he will get better. At least that's what I tell myself. :)
He is such a happy baby and so smiley, which melts my heart. He loves his big brother and watching him, and has taken an interest in Allie too. He is so close to sitting up on his own. His coos, giggles, and screeches are so adorable too. We just love him so much.
I can't believe August is right around the corner! John has VBS all this week, which I am helping at, and is doing a sports camp all next week! Crazy to think about going back to work, but I am so incredibly happy that I get the opportunity to work 1/2 time this year. It really will be the best of both worlds.
Here are some recent pictures from this month! Enjoy!