We had some family pictures taken in October as well. So happy with how they turned out!

I can't believe how fast November is flying by! We have had a busy and fun month. We went to Indiana over Veterans Day and then last weekend we met up with a good friend who used to also live in Colorado and her two girls at an indoor waterpark. So fun weekends! This weekend was nice to lay low and gear up for Thanksgiving. I have parent teacher conferences the next two days and nights, so it will be a long two days, but then I am off until Monday. Hooray!!!!
I have been feeling good, just started my 3rd trimester and will be 28 weeks tomorrow! I have to go back to the dr tomorrow for a 3 hour glucose test, because I didn't pass my one hour test. It caught me off guard since I never had any issues with John, but hopefully this one will come back okay and all will be well. I am not looking forward to sitting in the lab all morning, but I have some school work to do and a book to keep me entertained. My friends from our parent group surprised Brad and me this week with a surprise "diaper sprinkle." It makes it seem so much more real now that we are having a baby in less than 3 months! I forget what an infant is like!!!
On that note, that about sums up our last two months. We are having our family from renovated starting this week, I am SO excited! Here are a few more pictures to leave you with! Happy thanksgiving everyone! Safe travels and happy shopping!

John's preschool picture...so grown up!

Indiana fun with Papa Don

Baby shower cupcakes

So long Family Room!