I can not believe that in one week John will be two! Holy cow! Time flies! Sorry for my lack of updates this past month, life has been crazy. My Uncle Mike passed away this part week from a very brief battle with kidney cancer. It has been very hard on our family. He was only 57 and was in perfect health otherwise. We headed to Columbus this weekend for his funeral and I know the months ahead will be hard for my aunt, cousins, and mom. It really makes you stop and think and appreciate the people and family around you.
John and Libby did so great this past weekend at the funeral and had so much fun at the hotel. Wish we were there for a different reason, but they entertained each other and love staying up late and playing.
John has been such a jabberbox lately. All he does is TALK! It is so funny, listening to the things he says and starting to put so many words together. His favorite expressions right now are "I need more" and "Stop it Mommy/Daddy" (usually when we are singing!). He loves Allie (Addie) right now and all things Sesame Street. He likes to use his potty and usually goes at least once a day, usually before bathtime. When we were getting ready at the hotel on Saturday morning, he came up to me when I was drying my hair and told me he had to go poo-poo. I put him on the potty and he went! Yayyyyy! I think we are going to try to begin potty training over my spring break, which will be interesting.
I am excited to celebrate John's birthday next weekend. We are going to have a small party here on Saturday (Sesame Street of course) and all John talked about tonight was having a Bert and Ernie cake (sorry bud, it is an Elmo cake). He has been practicing blowing out candles. The other morning he looked at us and we asked him what he wanted and he said "Birfay pesents." Hmmm, maybe we have been talking about his birthday too much :)
I took John today to get his 2 year pictures taken and of course he did great, causing me to spend way too much money. But hey, he is worth it :) Here are some of my favorites and some others from this month. Have a great week!


Being silly with his friend Emily

Elmo! His best bud (besides Libby)

Grandma's Birthday