Sunday, February 27, 2011

John's 1st First Birthday Party

Last weekend we went to Indiana to see Brad's parents. While we were there, we had a little impromptu birthday party for John with John's Great Grandma Monhaut. It was so sweet, she made him his very first cake and we sang and opened presents! We had such a great weekend, and it went by way too fast as usual. John had so much fun walking around their house, looking out the window and waving to the dogs, and of course getting spoiled by everyone! Here are some pictures from last weekend:

The cake

Fun to play with...

Tastes pretty good too!

Being silly with Grandpa and Aunt Mary

This is a good story Grandma!

Brad put John's pack and play next to the electric piano and he loved it!

I was on my winter break last Monday and Tuesday, and it ended up snowing a lot, so Brad was home on Monday too. We did a little "Spring Cleaning" and John helped too...we're starting him early :)

Tomorrow is Brad and my 8th Anniversary! Happy Anniversary honey! I couldn't ask for a better husband, friend, and father. To celebrate, my mom and dad had John spend the night last night so we could enjoy a night out. Brad has a ton of points at hotels for work, so we went to a comedy club in Livonia and stayed there for the night. It was so much fun. Thanks Mom and Dad...we needed that night out! Here are some fun date night pictures.

With the comedians after the show.

Hope everyone has a great week!!! Less than 2 weeks until John's birthday! Aghhh!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

1 Year Pictures!

Today I took John to get his 1 year pictures taken. Oh.My.Gosh. He did so good, they turned out adorable!!! Emily, the same photographer who took his 3 month and 9 month is taking his year pictures next week, but I wanted some taken with the cheesy "one" pose. Portrait Innovations has a great $9.95 package where you get a ton of pictures of one pose. Well, one pose, yeah right. Of course he was so smiley, happy, and so I had to spend a lot more $$ that I was hoping to. But how could I resist?? Here are a couple (okay, more than a couple) of my favorites:

We had a great trip to Indiana this past weekend. More on that to come soon...I have a lot of good pics to upload from the weekend. Stay tuned!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

11 Months!

How is it possible that in three weeks my baby will be ONE?! I can't get over how much of a little "boy" he is all of a sudden. He is walking EVERYWHERE, talking, smiling, and just being so cute and fun...He isn't really saying any words other than "mama" "dada" and "yah". He loves to "talk" though and is getting really good at imitating sounds. Lately in the mornings he is such a jabber box. It is hilarious, he stands on his tiptoes and yells.

At 11 months, he is probably around 22-23 pounds, and almost has all of his molars in. He has over a dozen teeth now, but he still isn't doing great at eating solids. He loves his snacks (just like his mama) but the meals aren't so great. I can't imagine weaning him off his bottle in less than a month! Yikes!

John is still sleeping great at night. He has been going down around 7:00 or 7:30 and then we wake him up at 6:30. On weekends he is still sleeping until around 8 or nice! Napping has been sort of hit and miss this week.

I decided I am going to turn all of my monthly posts into a book. I am also working on a banner for his birthday party with all of his month pictures on it. Hopefully it turns out, I am not the most crafty person...I am getting so excited for his birthday and party.

We have a long weekend coming up which I am really looking forward to. We are excited to just relax and spend time with Brad's parents. We are also having John's 1 year pictures taken on Tuesday. Hope he cooperates!

Well, I will leave with his monthly pictures...hope everyone has a great weekend!

"Enough pictures already Mom..."

Monday, February 14, 2011

Random Videos

Here are some random videos of our little stinker...walking, "talking," and getting into trouble!!!

This one you need the sound on for :) Oh, and the fall at the end of worse that it looks or sounds...he moved right on!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Allie Update and Photos

Thank you everyone for the doggie prayers! Allie is back home after a second round of hospitalization and seems MUCH better! She is not too happy about having to wear the cone, but her tail is wagging, she is giving kisses, and wants to eat (she was following me in the kitchen tonight which was such a good sign as she has not moved from the couch since last week). We are finishing up the antibiotics and then doing some more blood work and hopefully things will be back to normal. Scary stuff. I love her so much, even though she drives us all crazy sometimes! :)

Speaking of kisses, John is also giving kisses these days. He is blowing them every time he hears the word "kiss" (and by blowing I mean covering his mouth with his hand...or sometimes covering his cheek...) and sometimes open mouth on the cheek kisses. I love it. His new favorite word this week is "Mama" which couldn't make me happier :) He is also into repeating everything you do (growl, laugh, cough,...). It is so cute. Today he got to go to the gym with the "Toddlers" since he can walk now. They said he loved it and came back exhausted. I wish I could see it.

I just got his pictures back from December, so even though it is two months later, and he has changed so much, they still turned out really good. Sorry to overload you , but I know most of you like looking at pictures...I mean, how could you not?! Hehe. Anyways, enjoy and thanks again for the Allie wishes!