Wow! Another month has flown by. John turned 3 months old yesterday! This past month really went by so fast, and I can't believe how much stronger and cuter he gets every day! He is still growing like a weed. We don't go back to the doctor until four months, but I am guessing he is well over 13 pounds now. He is practically as big as Libby. Libby is such a little peanut, it won't be long until he is towering over her!

I had to go back to work this past week. I was really anxious and nervous about going back, but it actually went really well. I only have another week and then summer vacation, so I can't really complain! My mom watched John two of the days and Brad took last Thursday off so they had a "guys" day. John did great and it was actually kind of nice to get out of the house a little and see everyone I work with and all of my students. The kids at school were/are so cute when they ask about John. I made a little slide show of pictures to show, and they loved it. So I can handle another week. Brad's parents are coming to stay with us and take care of John, so it relieves so much stress to not have to worry about taking him somewhere. I am not ready for daycare yet!
At 3 months, John is doing a really good job of holding his head up. He doesn't have it solid yet, but almost! His tummy time is really improving :) He isn't rolling over, but he has been kicking his legs a lot and has been really grabbing at anything in front of him. His newest interest is my hair. This poses a problem when I feed him because all he wants to do is try to reach for it and laugh. Silly boy!
He has definitely become more independent in the sense that he is content to be in his bouncer, on his mat, or in his swing for a while. He is taking two long naps during the day, and some short cat naps here and there. He has slept through the night twice now, we are hoping that becomes more regular! We really can't complain though, because he has been going to bed between 10:30-11:00 and then sleeps until about 4. He eats then and goes right back to sleep, usually until about 8 or 9. So it really isn't bad!
I am SOOO excited to get his 3 month pictures taken on the 22nd. Emily does such amazing work, they are going to be so cute!!!
Well, I should stop procrastinating and get on with my day. Cleaning, shopping, and a friend's barbecue are on the agenda, so I hope everyone has a great weekend!